How do bottles get turned into our lovable clothing?
We are all getting better at recycling,and one interesting way is turning them into clothes.At first I thought that,wouldn't our plastic be too hard to be turned into fabric.But then I learnt how they turned filthy plastic bottles into soft smooth fabric called polyester.
The process starts off with u guys buying it in the market,then drinking it nearly dry,then throwing it in the recycling bin.From there the bottles get sorted so that the clear plastic bottles are separate from the colored plastic bottles.The clear plastic bottles are super useful mainly because it can make white clothes or be dyed to make different colors of clothes.There next step is to shred the bottle so that all of the unwanted liquid is vaporized,this happens,so that our precious resource is not affected by the liquid. This must take ages and must be very exhausting job to do. Now all that is left is to box it all up and ship our rubbish all the way to china.
Our plastic bottles seem like big pile of rubbish but to the text line industry in china ,it’s food to feed the clothing industry.the next step is that they head for the pats to what seems like a flowing river where the bottled lids start to float.the plastic bottle lids start to float because it’s a different type of material which needs to be eliminated because we don’t need them.So then the workers scope up the bottled lids from the top.From there they are head to another pats where the stickers are removed from the bottles and then are once again scoped from the top.This is where humans have to be really careful becuse this is a big NO NO for human skin to come in contact with the liquid in side the pat.After all that swimming and drowning they finally head for dry land.
Now all that is left is a bunch of wet shredded plastic bottles.They are now headed for the ovens where they are mixed with light shredded colors.This happens,because to be able to make white cloths u need light shaded colors in this mix. Next the plastics are being dried up in a rotating drum where they are kept for ten hours.This is where the workers have to work together or else they will miss a pile of plastics when it falls out from the drums. So now that we have the right colors,But it is very hard to piece them together.after this they are headed into a giant screw where they are heated up for 270 degrees.This melts the plastic and are forced down a siv where they are made into long strips.Then it is collected by the workers when the come out.The next step makes it very long.
They are now getting stretched which bonds the viper together.Now this step is confusing because in this step u have to tear it apart again.After all that work to creat the fabric u tear it up again like i am so counfused,so lets find out why they tear it up again.They do this because the fluff that emrages are what u need to creat polyester.But for now the next process takes part in a different factory.
Now in this factory it gets very messy, mainly because the fluff sticks onto you.Now a machine scraps all the fluff into a ruff cloth.Now they are loaded onto a different machine where they get brushed together,so they are facing the same direction. Now we can turn them into thread again.They are now headed to a different machine where they get tease out and are being collected by bobbins.
Now we have finally arrived to where they get turned into cloth.Now they head to a machine where it draws in thousand of therds and weaves a new sheet of polyester but it is not yet make this thread have a better feel.These next 2 steps are kinda like the ying and yang come to show the opposites makes the polyester feel better,so they go through a machine where they are making tiny loops in the sheet.the next step is a harsh feeling for the polyester because a tough steal brushes tear the loops that were just made. That gives it a great feel when you touch it.
Now that our bottles have finally been turned into polyester, all that is to turn them into clothes.The fabric are given to designers who make fashionable clothes that we see at the market today.
Now what started out with filthy bottle that gets turned into lovable clothing that we wear every day.I hope that we can create new ways of recycling old things that can be in use.
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